Product Overview
Ellen Davis is concerned by what she calls a "shallow reading" of Scripture--a reading of what we think we already know instead of an attempt to dig deeper for new insights and revelations. Wondrous Depth is a collection of essays in which Davis argues for a more engaged reading of Scripture that opens the reader up to new knowledge and understanding. Davis also demonstrates that preaching and biblical interpretation are essentially related to one another in that it is essential for preachers to engage in thorough reading and interpretation of Scripture from the pulpit and to encourage their congregations to read the Bible with depth and sensitivity as well.
Review of Biblical Literature (May 2005)
Circuit Rider (March/April 2006) "Wondrous Depth may have started out as a lecture series at Yale, but it reads more like a series of love letters, so intimate is the connection between the author and the text." --Jonathan D. Marlowe, Pastor, Shiloh United Methodist Church, Granite Quarry, NC
The Living Church (March 19, 2006) "Davis takes us not only to wondrous depths but on a wondrous path through what great preaching is and what it means for the Church....Davis continues to astonish us with her insights and commitment to the Old Testament as a vital source of theological reflection."
Homiletic (Vol. 30, No. 2, Winter 2005) "As those long-ago children urged Augustine, 'Take and Read!'" --John C. Holbert
Interpretation (Vol. 60, No. 1, Jan. 2006) "Both preachers attentive to the artistry of their craft and theological students learning how to think about the twin disciplines of exegesis and homiletics will find this book refreshing and challenging." --Paul K. Hooker, Presbytery of St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Florida
Christian Century (Dec. 13, 2005) From "CC Recommends"