Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $15.60
By Carol A. Wehrheim
Many pastors are confused about what to say during children's time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children's Sermons for Year B offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children's sermon. After explaining the importance and p...
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Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $15.60
By Carol A. Wehrheim
Many pastors are confused about what to say during children's time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children's Sermons for Year A offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children's sermon. After explaining the purpose of the c...
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Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $15.60
By Carol A. Wehrheim
Many pastors are confused about what to say during children's time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children's Sermons for Year C offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children's sermon. After explaining the purpose of the ...
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Price: $230.00
Sale Price: $149.50
Liturgies for Years A, B, and C
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $80.00
Sale Price: $52.00
Liturgies for Year A
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $80.00
Sale Price: $52.00
Liturgies for Year B
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $80.00
Sale Price: $52.00
Liturgies for Year C
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $42.00
Sale Price: $27.30
Liturgies for Year B, Volume 2
By Kimberly Bracken Long
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $42.00
Sale Price: $27.30
A Thematic Resource for Preaching and Worship
By David L. Bartlett
This resource is an all in one worship companion designed for those who
do not follow the lectionary, or would like an alternative to the
lectionary during Lent. This new volume in the Feasting on the Word
series will serve as an all-in-one pasto...
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Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $15.60
By David L. Bartlett
Feasting on the Word Guide to Children's Sermons equips church leaders and children's ministry volunteers to deliver children's sermons that are free of gimmicks and simplistic conclusions, that welcome children into
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $34.00
Sale Price: $22.10
A Thematic Resource for Preaching and Worship
By David L. Bartlett
This new volume in the Feasting on the Word series provides an alternative to strict lectionary use for Advent, with six thematically-designed services for the four Sunday in Advent, as well as, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Four midweek services...
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Price: $42.00
Sale Price: $27.30
Liturgies for Year B, Volume 1
By Kimberly Bracken Long
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $42.00
Sale Price: $27.30
Liturgies for Year A, Volume 2
By Kimberly Bracken Long
"Of all the resources available to worship leaders, this is the best. . . . The liturgies for each Sunday are exceptionally well-written and grounded in language that resonates with Scripture." —Presbyterian OutlookBased on the Revised Common Lectio...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
By David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor
Now Available in Paperback! With this lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. Now complete, the twelve volumes of the series cover all the Sundays in the three-year le...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
Lent through Eastertide
By David L. Bartlett
Now Available in Paperback! With this lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. Now complete, the twelve volumes of the series cover all the Sundays in the three-year l...
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