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Studies, Articles, and Certificates

Presbyterians: Hardly God's <i>Frozen</i> Chosen!
Download $2.00 8/28/2012 Add to Shopping Cart

Presbyterians: Hardly God's Frozen Chosen!

King George III of England (1738-1820) believed that Presbyterians were a contentious people and bl...

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How the Early Church Understood Grace
Download $2.00 9/27/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

How the Early Church Understood Grace

This Leader Reader, "Hw the Early Church Understood Grace,"continues our study of the teachings and...

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Women in the Early Church
Download $2.00 9/13/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

Women in the Early Church

In the last few decades more study has been devoted to understanding the various roles of women in ...

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Christianity in Medieval Times
Download $7.50 8/9/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

Christianity in Medieval Times

Many Christians have a notion that the Church in the Middle Ages struggled or barely survived until...

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The Early Church's Decision to Accept Gentiles
Download $2.00 6/28/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

The Early Church's Decision to Accept Gentiles

Paul tells us that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, but all were on...

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Early Church History
Download $7.50 5/3/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

Early Church History

When Presbyterians think of important moments in the history of the church, the events and people ...

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The Declaration of Independence
Download $7.50 6/15/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

The Declaration of Independence

A Christian Document?

In this study we examine the Declaration of Independence in an effort to discern its context and cl...

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Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?
Download $7.50 6/8/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

In this one-session study participants will explore the question of whether America was founded as ...

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The Great Ends of the Church
Download $2.00 6/1/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

The Great Ends of the Church

Written one hundred years ago, the "Great Ends of the Church" is a short statement of the church's ...

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Our Creeds and Confessions
Download $12.00 4/6/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

Our Creeds and Confessions

When Presbyterian ministers, elders, and deacons accept a call to church leadership, they promise t...

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Meet George Washington
Download $7.50 1/27/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

Meet George Washington

In this one-session study for adults, we'll consider the faith of George Washington and its implica...

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Our Reformed Traditions
Download $12.00 5/31/2009 Add to Shopping Cart

Our Reformed Traditions

The goal of this session is to acquaint church leaders with specific information about the theologi...

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Meet Martin Luther
Download $12.00 6/24/2008 Add to Shopping Cart

Meet Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a simple monk in sixteenth-century Germany who followed his conscience and faith,...

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Meet John Calvin
Download $12.00 1/17/2007 Add to Shopping Cart

Meet John Calvin

John Calvin (1509-1564) was a major Protestant reformer whose influence continues to the present da...

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