This popular, comprehensive Bible-reading program for individuals and group study offers a sweeping...
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What’s actually in the Bible? Where do we find the story of Moses or Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal...
In this second volume of an exciting new series for laity, Sarah Henrich traces the understanding o...
This first volume in an exciting new series for laity provides an accessible study of some of the B...
Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible...
Challen ging the traditional meaning of Scripture is not easy, even in the face of issues that call...
Neither a traditional study of specific books or sections of the Bible, nor a doctrinal study that ...
Christine Blair clearly outlines a plan for motivating adults to use the tools and theological prin...
This new edition of Arnold Rhodes's The Mighty Acts of God is an essential tool for learning more a...
This comprehensive introduction to all the books of the Bible, including the Apocrypha, is written ...
This guide to the New Testament, like its companion volume, A Guide Through the Old Testament, com...
Using a simple workbook-style approach, Celia Sinclair combines commentary, study guides, maps, an...