We have revised one of our best-selling studies, "Serving as Clerk of Session," for the new Form of...
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This Leader Reader, "Clerks of Session: New Roles and Responsibilities" by Paul Rack, discusses how...
The fourth section of the Book of Order is the Rules of Discipline. The Reformed tradition believes...
This study is an update to a previously-available, one-session study, "Serving as Trustee" by Earl ...
Newly updated based on changes to the Book of Order, this session is designed to acquaint people wh...
The constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) consists of the Book of Confessions and the Bo...
This three-session study, "Serving as Ruling Elder," updates a previous study, "Serving as Elder." ...
The second section of the Book of Order is the Form of Government. This section describes how we or...
Whether teaching elders, ruling elders, or deacons, the new Form of Government lists common charact...
The Directory for Worship from the Book of Order provides a theological understanding of worship th...
Across the denomination there is renewed attention given to the responsibilities of sessions and pr...
Unethical and illegal conduct by many public leaders such as professional athletes, politicians, co...
Many pastors lament the fact that exceptional elders on session quickly disappear as soon as their ...
One of the main challenges congregations face in their educational ministries is finding and keepin...
The reasons churches have part-time pastors vary. Some congregations are too large to be staffed by...