Rooted, responsive, resourceful, and Reformed! Presbyterian Women’s 2025 Annual Mission Fund (Missi...
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Use the poster/placemat—on a bulletin board or table–to promote and encourage support of PW’s Thank...
Presbyterian Women respond to God’s love for us by offering our many gifts. Together in Service, PW...
Circle of Prayer includes devotional thoughts and prayers for participating in the Fellowship of th...
This book of short stories is the next volume of the 1999 classic, in which PWs of different cultur...
This downloadable pdf book of short stories is the next volume of the 1999 classic, in which PWs of...
Times change but our commitment to serving God through our PW Purpose remains unchanged. The 2023 A...
For generations, Presbyterian Women have shared the good news of Jesus Christ through community, pr...
The Cultivating PW toolkit provides inspiration (and a few floral stakes) to visually tell the stor...
Cultivating Presbyterian Women placemats provide an informative and fun way to consider the mission...
The “Welcome Presbyterian Women” garden banner measures 12” x 18” and is suitable for outdoor displ...
The “Welcome Presbyterian Women” (in Korean) garden banner measures 12” x 18” and is suitable for o...
Bienvenidos Mujeres Presbiterianas! The “Welcome Presbyterian Women” garden banner (in Spanish) mea...
Stories, experiences and prayers inspired by the Fellowship of the Least Coin prayer movement.