This assembly's theme, "walking, running, soaring into hope" (Isa. 40:31), was a fitting descriptio...
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In continued preparation for the 220th General Assembly, this Leader Reader explores some of the de...
What is the General Assembly? Who is involved? What kinds of issues are addressed and where do thos...
There will be 688 commissioners and 221 advisory delegates sent to General Assembly this year from ...
The 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA (2010) approved a proposal for a New Form...
The health of a church is greatly affected by the strength of its leaders who are nominated by the ...
For Presbyterians, how we make decisions isn't just a clerical detail or bureaucratic decision. The...
The 219th General Assembly (2010) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has come and gone. By all acc...
In this study on the theme of the 219th General Assembly, "Rivers of Living Water," Matthew Skinner...