Glory to God
Glory to God Copyright Basics
Need permission to use hymns from Glory to God? We’ve provided a permissions summary below. For more complete information, see our guide for Glory to God Copyright Basics.
Rights and Permissions for Glory to God
Under the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) fair use policy, congregations may use hymns during a virtual worship service or reproduce hymns for use in a worship bulletin, special program, lesson resource, provided (1) that the hymn bears a copyright from Congregational Ministries Publishing, Melva Costen, Brian Dill, David Gambrell, Jane Parker Huber, W. L. Jenkins, John Ribble, Presbyterian Publishing, Westminster John Knox Press, or The Westminster Press (2) that the copyright notice shown beneath the hymn is included on the reproduction; and (3) that Glory to God is acknowledged as the source. This fair use policy covers congregational use only. For permission to use works by the above creators in any other way, please email
For permission to use hymns copyrighted by others, you must purchase a license from One License or CCLI or contact the copyright holder. To determine the copyright holder, please check the copyright holders index. You will find rights holder contact information here. For rights and licensing information specific to the electronic editions, please view our electronic editions permissions guidelines. For information about streaming hymns during online worship, please review our virtual worship guidelines. Remember, public domain items never require permission!
List of Public Domain Hymns
Copyright Holder Index
Copyright Holder Contact Information
Liturgical Material Rights Holders
Electronic Editions Permissions Guidelines
Virtual Worship Guidelines
Other Hymnals
The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs
Under the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) fair use policy, congregations may stream hymns during a virtual worship service or reproduce hymns for use in a worship bulletin, special program, lesson resource, provided (1) that the hymn bears a copyright from Melva Costen, Brian Dill, Jane Parker Huber, W. L. Jenkins, John Ribble, Westminster John Knox Press, or The Westminster Press (2) that the copyright notice shown beneath the hymn is included on the reproduction; and (3) that The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs is acknowledged as the source. This fair use policy covers congregational use only. For permission to use works by the above creators in any other way, please email
For permission to use hymns controlled by rights holders other than those listed above, please contact the copyright holder noted in the copyright notice printed beneath the hymn. You will find a list of Glory to God rights holders here and their contact information here. Glory to God and The Presbyterian Hymnal share many copyright holders, so the list will be useful for both. Unfortunately, we do not have a comprehensive list of rights holders for The Presbyterian Hymnal.
Sing the Faith
You must seek permission from the copyright holder of the hymn prior to streaming, reproducing or printing. The copyright holder for each hymn is listed at the bottom of the hymn page. The contact information for each copyright holder is in the acknowledgments section at the back of the hymnal. If no copyright notice appears, this indicates that the hymn is in the public domain and can be freely used.
A Singing Faith or Singing in Celebration by Jane Parker Huber
Congregations may stream hymns during a virtual worship service or reproduce hymns for use in a worship bulletin, special program, lesson resource, provided (1) that the copyright notice shown beneath the hymn is included; and (2) that the following acknowledgment is included for each hymn as applicable:
[Name of hymn] from A Singing Faith. (c)1981 Jane Parker Huber. Used by permission of Westminster John Knox Press.
[Name of hymn] from Singing in Celebration. (c)1996 Jane Parker Huber. Used by permission of Westminster John Knox Press.
El Himnario Presbiteriano
Los derechos de muchos de los himnos de El Himnario Presbiteriano los poseen varios autores, compositores, y otras casas de publicaciones. La Corporación presbiteriana de publicaciones no controla los derechos de propiedad de estos himnos. Para hacer copias, proyectar, o trasmitir en vivo estas obras, usted necesitará el permiso de quien posea los derechos de propiedad. Afortunadamente, algunas obras están en el dominio público y se puede usar de cualquier manera que desee.
Para revisar el estado de los derechos de propiedad, mire la información en la parte inferior de la primera página de cada himno. Si el símbolo de derechos de autor (copyright ©) aparece en el texto en los detalles sobre la música, el material tiene derechos de autor. Si no aparece el símbolo, la obra está en el dominio público y la puede usar como desee. Recuerde que la música, el texto, la traducción y el arreglo pueden tener diferentes derechos de propiedad. Por ejemplo, la música de un himno y su letra en inglés pueden estar en dominio público, pero su traducción al español no. Puede descargar una lista de autores, compositores, y detalles de derechos de autor aquí.