Product Overview
The Christian Century, the most respected magazine for mainline Protestants in the world, has helped Christians think critically and live faithfully since 1884. The publication's former editor and publisher, John Buchanan, has compiled a collection of biweekly editorials from the magazine that highlight events, issues, and questions that progressive Christians faced at the turning of this century.
A must-read for Christian Century fans, From the Editor's Desk examines ten key areas from the years 1999-2015, focusing on war and peace, civic engagement, newsworthy events, the Middle East, and congregational life.
"The Christian Century has arrived as reliably as the rising sun and with it John Buchanan's wise pastoral counsel and insight as a wake-up call, over and over making a compelling case for thinking through the pastoral prism of faith. It is now a treasure to have so many of his good words together in one place."—Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary
"As what was once envisioned as the Christian Century moved into a post-Christendom era, John Buchanan's columns guided the church's thoughts away from the sirens of hubris and onto a course that was rigorously honest and relentlessly hopeful."—M. Craig Barnes, President, Princeton Theological Seminary
"John Buchanan's commitment to a Christian life that is passionately engaged with the world's most urgent questions comes through on every page of this welcome volume. His vision of the church as a life-saving community forever turning towards the world is both challenge and blessing.—Stephanie Paulsell, Susan Shallcross Swartz Professor of the Practice of Christian Studies, Harvard Divinity School