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An Interpretation Bible Commentary

Mark Allan Powell

  • 11/14/2023
  • 0664264298
  • 978-0-664-26429-1
  • Hardback
  • In Stock

Product Details

  • Hardback
  • 304
  • 6 x 9
  • 15.00 oz

Product Excerpts and Related Resources


"For those interested in encountering Matthew's gospel on its own terms, this volume is a helpful resource."

--The Bible Today

"Powell's lifetime of study of Matthew's Gospel culminates with this thoughtful and well-informed study. Readers will find much that is helpful in this commentary provoking many insights and further engagement with the Gospel text."

—Warren Carter, Meinders Professor of New Testament, Phillips Theological Seminary

"As did its illustrious forerunner, the new Interpretation Bible Commentary series offers clergy, teachers, and students one of the richest interpretative resources for biblical inquiry and homiletical engagement. Integrating literary, historical, theological, and pastoral insights from an inclusive group of preeminent scholars and teachers, these volumes reflect the major shifts in interpretative strategies for a dramatically changing contemporary context. Whether one is leaning into research or preparing to preach, these volumes will be a formidable resource."

—Brian K. Blount, General Editor of the Interpretation Bible Commentary series, and President Emeritus, Union Presbyterian Seminary

"Powell is a masterful interpreter and guide. First-time students of the First Gospel will appreciate his conversational tone, honesty, and ability to move between the past and the present. Preachers and teachers will find fresh, perceptive insights, obvious but rarely noticed. Powell summarizes Matthew's key themes in the introduction and references them throughout the commentary, taking deeper dives in timely excursuses. By the end of the journey, readers will have a deep appreciation for both the Gospel and the guide who led them through it."

—R. Alan Culpepper, Dean Emeritus, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University

"This engaging and highly readable commentary will become a standard resource for preachers, teachers, seminary students, and anyone looking for deeper insight into Matthew's Gospel. Especially helpful is the introduction in which Powell lays out ‘themes’ of the Gospel that are woven throughout. Powell brings together a wealth of recent scholarship and shows how new perspectives are helpful for reflection, interpretation, and application."

—Cynthia M. Campbell, President Emerita, McCormick Theological Seminary, and retired pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY