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Post-Traumatic Jesus

A Healing Gospel for the Wounded

David W. Peters

  • 2/21/2023
  • 0664267327
  • 978-0-664-26732-2
  • Paperback
  • 7-10 days processing

Product Details

  • Paperback
  • 160
  • 5.5 x 8.5
  • 7.00 oz


"In 30 short chapters, Peters takes us through some of Jesus’ parables, Jesus’ encounters with people seeking his help, Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Reclaiming that core message can be as powerful today in helping people find hope and resilience as it was 2,000 years ago, David tells us. I agree. This is a must-have volume for pastors, small-group leaders, chaplains and anyone who cares about the lives within their families, their local congregations and their surrounding communities." – Read the Spirit Cover Story


"Peters excels at conveying the interplay of human and divine trauma, but his greatest gift to readers may be the distinction he draws between what people have to offer and what Jesus does. People who are traumatized imitate Christ with the figurative stigmata they suffer. But people lack in their relationships with neighbors what Jesus shared with his celestial father: true salvation. Healing happens in relationships, but so does injury—and we humans invented the art of sin." - The Christian Century

“Peters writes a book crucial for our time. As our world reels from the pandemic, injustice, violence, and climate change, we long for Jesus. Peters immerses us in Jesus’ world and helps us understand our trauma through a new, and healing, lens. Post-Traumatic Jesus is essential reading.”

 —Sarah Gaventa, Dean of Students at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

“Life-altering trauma can raise profound questions about our relationship with ourselves and with God. David Peters’s penetrating insights in this new book offer a lifeline of healing and hope to those of us who are courageously trying to make sense of our faith journeys in the midst of our woundedness.” 

—Mark Allen Bourlakas, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia


Trauma and Grace, Second Edition
Uncovering Violence
Then They Came for Mine