Product Overview
Queen Vashti and Queen Esther
Even though the book of Esther never mentions God, God is certainly in the dramatic story of Queens Vashti and Esther. Each woman, brave in her own right, changes the course of history—Vashti as a woman standing up for herself in a time when women were considered possessions and Esther who followed in Vashti’s footsteps, speaking up for her people and saving them from destruction. Both women are examples of courage in a story of palace intrigue, deception, villains, heroines, and ultimately, faith. In the Jewish tradition, this story is observed each year at the feast of Purim, a celebratory occasion of a harrowing time for these women and the Jewish people.
Stories included in this unit:
• Queen Vashti Says "No!" (Esther 1:1–22)
• Esther, a New Queen (Esther 2:1–4, 7–12, 16–18)
• Hooray for Queen Esther! (Esther 3; 4; 6; 8; 9)
Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible Curriculum invites children and their leaders to wonder, play, and connect with one another as they develop a better relationship with God. By exploring the stories in Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible, children and their leaders learn more about who God is and what their relationship is with God. This curriculum has 35 units filled with 148 stories from the story Bible that dive deep into characters and themes in the Bible. Children and their leader will read the story together from the story Bible, pause to allow the story to resonate, and then engage with the story and wrestle with their place in that story.
Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible Curriculum is written for ages 5–10 and is intentionally multiage, meaning that children are all grouped together. Grouping children this way brings a relational focus to the sessions and fosters a collaborative spirit. The curriculum also includes an intergenerational component with four suggestions for intergenerational and home ideas for each session within a unit. Those ideas include suggestions for things to do in worship, more education-focused ideas, ways to connect with one another, and mission ideas. This adds another dimension to learning and helps the children connect to the congregation, creating a holistic approach to children’s ministry.