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El trimestre de otoo narra la historia de Dios el Creador. Dios cre todo y le llam bueno. Adems, veremos que Dios tambin cre un pueblo especial, Israel, que reclama como suyo, estableciendo un pacto que continua hasta hoy.
Las Hojas para llevar a casa, estn escritas en espaol y en ingls, y contienen un resumen de la leccin del da, junto con actividades para que el/la estudiante haga en casa.
Covenant LifeThe fall quarter tells the story of God the Creator. God created everything and called it good. Also, we will discover that God created a special people, Israel, which claims as its own, establishing a covenant that continues today.
The Take- Home Sheets, written in Spanish and English, contain a brief summary of the lesson, along with activities for the student to do at home.