Horizons is the magazine and Bible study for Presbyterian Women! This month's issue explores what i...
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Horizons is the magazine and Bible study of Presbyterian Women! This month's issue is all about flo...
Horizons is the magazine by and for Presbyterian Women! The theme of this issue is "Legacies and Hi...
Horizons is the magazine by and for Presbyterian Women! This issue's theme is "Water." Water is ess...
Horizons magazine is the magazine by and for Presbyterian Women! This issue's theme is "Connected a...
As the magazine for Presbyterian Women, Horizons is the only publication that focuses on our belove...
“Holistic Health” is the theme of this issue. Also includes the 2023 Thank Offering recipient list ...
Horizons is the magazine by and for Presbyterian Women. In this issue, contributors explore Romans ...
Horizons is the magazine by and for Presbyterian Women. In this issue, contributors explore what it...
Although Christians are assured of a life eternal, we, like our savior, are embodied. Death and suf...
Contributors to this issue share insights gained from facing uncertainty as people of faith. Each c...