Product Overview
Product Description
The Total Church Plan includes curriculum materials for Grades (K) 1–2, Grades 3–4, Tweens (Grades 5–6), Multi-Age, Youth, and Adult for seasons fall, winter, spring, and summer. In addition, the Total Church Plan includes a weekly resource for Young Adults (Conversations on the Feast), and a quarterly resource for pastors and worship leaders, Joining the Feast, as well as Children's Bulletins.
A yearly music CD to accompany the curriculum is also available as a separate purchase.
If you have multiple classes of the children’s age levels, additional color packs are available for purchase per age level.
Please note that color packs do not ship immediately. They are shipped 4–6 weeks prior to the beginning of each new season. If you order the curriculum in the middle of a season, you will receive that season's color pack within 1–3 weeks.
Series Description
Feasting on the Word Curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary and allows everyone to explore the same Bible passage each week. This makes it easy for families to live out their faith together. This curriculum invites learners from children through adults into the rhythm of the church year. Leaders of each age group are provided with a solid biblical background from the well-known commentary Feasting on the Word. Explore the what, where, so what, and now what of each biblical passage from the lectionary through a variety of learning and teaching styles. Joining the Feast connects education with worship offering suggestions to use during the worship service.