Product Overview
Love God, Neighbor, Enemy
The instruction from Jesus to love God with your whole heart, soul, strength, and mind—and your neighbor as yourself—has come to be called the Great Commandment. And it is great! It is comprehensive. It is active. It is expansive. In the Love God, Neighbor, Enemy unit, we see that while enemies are not mentioned specifically, the call to love is extravagant.
Love of God and neighbor is not fully expressed if we are only loving when it is convenient or comfortable. Through the exploration of this practice, participants will learn how—from those who may be hard to love to those who we fear or who may do us harm—the imperative to love enemies, just as we love God or our neighbor, is throughout Scripture. This practice explores this call to love through action by serving a stranger, showing mercy, washing another’s feet, being courageous, and living peaceably.
Youth Leader's Guide
This leader’s guide is for youth ages 11–18. It contains helpful information for the leader, including information about leading youth, background information about the practice, a note about supplies, and other helpful information for each session. There are symbols for each activity within the session that allow a leader to see at a glance the type of activity and customize each session for their group of youth. Our youth leader guide activity symbols assist the leader in accommodating both concrete- and abstract-thinking youth. Each session includes resource pages that may be copied, printed, or sent out electronically to participants. There are other helpful pieces for youth in the Congregational Guide.
Featured in the Youth Leader’s Guide:
- Love Extravagantly (Luke 6:27–42)
- Serve a Stranger (1 Kings 17:8–16)
- Show Mercy (1 Samuel 24; Luke 23:32–43)
- Wash Another’s Feet (John 13:1–20)
- Be Courageous (Acts 6:8–7:2, 51–60)
- Live Peaceably (Romans 12:9–21)
Series Description
Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living is a twenty-seven-unit curriculum based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now.
To learn more about the curriculum and view a sample of each component, visit our Follow Me webpage or watch the Follow Me trailer on our YouTube channel.