Product Overview
The author of this study writes of preparing to visit Presbyterian churches in Ghana. His group leader told him, "At each church, they will ask you, 'What is your mission?' How will you respond?" Sure enough, in each location, as the group received gracious hospitality, they would be seated in a circle with elders, pastors, and other church leaders who would ask "What is your mission?"
Had that been you, would you have had an answer? What is the mission statement for your church? If you have one, does it actually describe your mission? If you do not have one, might a statement help you focus distinctive opportunities and challenges for worship and work?
To define something is to determine or identify its essential qualities or meaning. This one-session study is designed to help congregations define and communicate their unique mission statements. Pulling from sources such as the PC(USA) Book of Order, the Great Ends of the Church, and the Brief Statement of Faith issued in 1991, this study will help you develop a statement that goes beyond defining what your congregation does and instead focus on the very purpose of its being.