Product Overview
Editor’s Note: This study was originally published by No substantive changes have been made.
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Can you name the seven deadly sins? How about the seven heavenly virtues? This playfully engaging, yet deadly serious seven-session youth study explores the famous list of seven deadly sins, or vices, and their corresponding heavenly virtues that Christians should aspire to practice: lust/chastity, gluttony/temperance, greed/generosity, sloth/caring, wrath/patience, envy/love, and pride/humility. The study may be used during any time of the year, but it is particularly appropriate for the Lenten season.
Each session examines one vice/virtue and defines the terms through biblical examples and case studies. Youth are challenged each week to look for examples of both the vice and virtue in their world and report back the following week. In addition, a time is given for personal reflection about how to address the vice and nourish the virtue in their lives of faith.