Product Overview
John Calvin (1509-1564) was a major Protestant reformer whose influence continues to the present day. He was a leader of what became known as the Reformed branch of the Protestant Reformation. Calvin was deeply involved in the life of Geneva, where he preached and lectured and was concerned with many facets of everyday life. His theological writings put him in the front ranks of Protestant leaders, and his various types of writings--biblical commentaries, sermons, and theological and polemical works--were viewed as key resources for those who adopted his views. Later followers (Calvinists) developed his thought into even more systematic expressions. But Calvin's theological genius is still looked to in the present time as a clear articulation of his understanding of the Christian gospel. In the Presbyterian tradition, Calvin's work is highly regarded as formative for understanding Christian faith and life.
The first session discusses John Calvin the man, who he was in his context. The second session discusses the major themes of Calvin's theology.