Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $29.25
An Interpretation Bible Commentary
By Mark Allan Powell
This inaugural Interpretation Bible Commentary volume on Matthew by Mark Allan Powell brings theological and pastoral sensitivity to the text, exploring how the Gospel of Matthew might be understood today by readers who receive it as its intended au...
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Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $29.25
Eschatology in the Bible
By Greg Carey
Many Christians look to the Bible for answers to what happens at the end of our lives, to the history of the world, and beyond this realm. In Death, the End of History, and Beyond, Greg Carey offers resources for dealing with multiple, even conflict...
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $29.25
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Molly T. Marshall
The Thessalonian correspondence represents the earliest writing in the New Testament, according to many scholars. It speaks to a group of Christians struggling with thorny questions, such as: How should we live in the shadow of the coming parousia? ...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Amos Yong
The book of Revelation stands as one of the most challenging and inspiring in the Christian canon. While giving rise to much unhelpful speculation, its core message of the active sovereignty of God in a hostile world has given courage and comfort th...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church
By Jaime Clark-Soles
What was it like to be a woman in the biblical period? It depended, in part, on who you were: a queen, a judge, a primary wife, a secondary wife, a widow, a slave, or some other kind of “ordinary woman.” In Women in the Bible, Jaime Clark-Soles inve...
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $47.00
Sale Price: $30.55
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Martha L. Moore-Keish
The Letter of James is the focus of the latest commentary in the Belief series. In the Letter of James, the writer sends encouragement to the early church, in the midst of the struggles and strife that marked its early days. Theologian Martha L. Moo...
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Price: $55.00
Sale Price: $35.75
By C. Clifton Black
C. Clifton Black provides a thorough analysis of the most famous prayer in the Christian church, the Lord’s Prayer. He begins with an impressionist painting of how the ancients prayed during Jesus’ time in order to set the context for understanding ...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
God's Presence and Power in Creation
By Luke Timothy Johnson
Miracles are not confined to the stories of Scripture; these signs of God’s presence and power in creation are experienced throughout our daily existence. Yet cultural challenges and modernity’s skepticism have marginalized belief in them as unreaso...
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Charles L. Campbell
This latest commentary in the Belief series looks at Paul’s theological wrestling with the divisions facing the early church in Corinth. These divisions arose for many reasons, among them the practices baptism and the Lord’s Supper, preaching, and t...
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Hardcover Printed Case
Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
A Theological Commentary on the Bible
In this new commentary for the Belief series, award-winning author and theologian Willie James Jennings explores the relevance of the book of Acts for the struggles of today. While some see Acts as the story of the founding of the Christian church, ...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
By Markus Bockmuehl
In this reader-friendly guide, Markus Bockmuehl offers a sympathetic account of the ancient apocryphal Gospel writings, showing their place within the reception history and formation of what was to become the canonical fourfold Gospel. Bockmuehl beg...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church
By Walter Brueggemann
The Bible is rich with complex and diverse material on the topic of money and possessions. Indeed, a close look at many scriptural texts reveals that economics is a core preoccupation of the biblical tradition. In this new work, highly regarded prea...
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Price: $47.00
Sale Price: $30.55
A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Nancy Elizabeth Bedford
In this incisive commentary, Nancy Bedford explores Paul's Letter to the Galatians as it addresses pressing issues in the earliest Christian churches. Paul argues that it is not necessary for Gentiles to become full- fledged Jews in order to follow ...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Thomas G. Long
Thomas G. Long's insightful commentary on the Pastoral Epistles argues that these often-neglected letters are urgently important for readers today. Some of the issues faced by New Testament churches are ours as well: the lure and peril of "spiritual...
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Price: $50.00
Sale Price: $32.50
A Theological Commentary on the Bible
By Sarah Heaner Lancaster
"Christians may not have shared the details of the particular situation of the Roman followers of Jesus, but they have shared for centuries the concern about what faith means for life, and they have turned to Paul to understand what it means to be f...
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