Author: Erin Wathen
Erin Wathen is pastor of Grace Immanuel United Church of Christ, in Louisville, Kentucky. Ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Wathen has served churches in that denomination and on the staff of Week of Compassion. She is author of More than Words: 10 Values for Modern Families and Resist and Persist: Faith and the Fight for Equality, which was honored as a Foreword Reviews INDIES Award finalist and among Publisher's Weekly's top five religion books of 2018.
Price: $17.00
Sale Price: $11.05
An Advent Study of Fearlessness and Strength
By Erin Wathen
Step into Advent with this captivating study and devotional, where angelic encounters come to life, echoing the timeless message of overcoming fear.
What would you do if you were not afraid?
Life can be daunting, filled with uncertainty and fears....
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Price: $20.00
Sale Price: $13.00
10 Values for the Modern Family
By Erin Wathen
The values we live and raise our families by are grounded, first, in love. Contrary to many of today's so-called family values, our values go beyond one or two loaded social issues to a wholehearted lifestyle of practicing compassion, hospitality, j...
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Price: $20.00
Sale Price: $13.00
Faith and the Fight for Equality
By Erin Wathen
We are in the age of double standards and impossible expectations; a never-die patriarchy that is sanctioned by every institution: capitalism, government, and even—maybe especially—the church itself. We need to change the conversation. Pastor and au...
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