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Studies, Articles, and Certificates

The Virgin Birth
Download $7.50 11/12/2014 Add to Shopping Cart

The Virgin Birth

Was Mary Really a Virgin?

In this adult study, Christians will explore the Gospel stories of the virgin birth of Jesus from b...

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Serve Not Rule
Download $7.50 2/5/2014 Add to Shopping Cart

Serve Not Rule

Understanding Our Role in God's Creation

What is our role as humans according to the Bible? In this one- session adult study, participants w...

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Introduction to the Prophets
Download $7.50 12/4/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

Introduction to the Prophets

Learn who the prophets were and what messages they shared in this one-session adult study, "Introdu...

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The Exile: A Key to Understanding the Old Testament
Download $7.50 11/13/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

The Exile: A Key to Understanding the Old Testament

In this one-session adult study, "The Exile: A Key to Understanding the Old Testament," participant...

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The Twelve Minor Prophets
Download $7.50 10/22/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

The Twelve Minor Prophets

Is there a common theme found in the books of the twelve Minor Prophets? In this one-session adult ...

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A Biblical Diet
Download $12.00 8/6/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

A Biblical Diet

The Ethics of Food Production and Consumption

If the saying, "You are what you eat," is true, what are we? This two-session adult study challenge...

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Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
Download $7.50 7/23/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

As news about natural disasters and war-stricken communities continue to make headlines, it's impor...

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Hosea, Amos, and Micah
Download $7.50 6/25/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

Hosea, Amos, and Micah

Three Important Minor Prophets

Although Hosea, Amos, and Micah write to us from another time, many believe that their teachings ar...

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The Three Major Prophets
Download $7.50 4/23/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

The Three Major Prophets

Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel

The three Major Prophets came from three different places and yet arrived at the common conclusion-...

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The God of the Old Testament
Download $7.50 4/16/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

The God of the Old Testament

God as described in the Old Testament challenges modern believers to let go of an image of God they...

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Making Sense of God's Violent Actions in the Old Testament
Download $7.50 2/27/2013 Add to Shopping Cart

Making Sense of God's Violent Actions in the Old Testament

How should Christians interpret biblical texts in which God endorses or commits violence? This one-...

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Download $10.00 11/21/2012 Add to Shopping Cart


This two-session adult study is written by renowned Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann. Sessi...

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Class Warfare in the Bible
Download $7.50 8/21/2012 Add to Shopping Cart

Class Warfare in the Bible

Does God take sides in situations of economic injustice? You bet, says Old Testament scholar Walter...

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Which Bible Should I Buy?
Download $12.00 7/24/2012 Add to Shopping Cart

Which Bible Should I Buy?

Do you want to buy a Bible but are overwhelmed by the choices? Do you like your Bible but wonder if...

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Download $15.00 5/1/2012 Add to Shopping Cart


Psalms is the most commonly read book of the Hebrew bible and there is much we can learn from study...

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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 79 products) 12345