Titles by: Robert B. Stewart
Author: Robert B. Stewart
Robert B. Stewart is Professor of Philosophy and Theology and the Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Stewart is the Director of the Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum in Faith and Culture, which brings world-renowned scholars together in conversation and debate. He has edited eight books of debates and dialogues, which include numerous contributing essays by other highly respected scholars, such as John Dominic Crossan, Ben Witherington III, Alister McGrath, Daniel Dennett, and N. T. Wright.
Price: $28.00
Sale Price: $18.20
By Bart D. Ehrman, Craig A. Evans, Robert B. Stewart
This book features a learned and fascinating debate between two great Bible scholars about the New Testament as a reliable source on the historical Jesus. Bart Ehrman, an agnostic New Testament scholar, debates Craig Evans, an evangelical New Testam...
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Price: $28.00
Sale Price: $18.20
A Conversation about the Atonement
By Simon Gathercole, Robert B. Stewart, N. T. Wright
In this book, readers will enjoy a fascinating and cordial discussion between N. T. Wright and Simon Gathercole on the meaning and nature of the doctrine of atonement. These two highly respected scholars discuss in clear and understandable language ...
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Price: $25.00
Sale Price: $16.25
A Christological Debate
By Michael F. Bird, Bart D. Ehrman, Robert B. Stewart
How did early Christians come to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the divine Son of God? This is the central question in this book. When Did Jesus Become God? is a transcribed conversation between Bart Ehrman and Michael Bird, with a helpful his...
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