
Titles by: Rebecca Blair Young

Author: Rebecca Blair Young

Rebecca Blair Young is a pastor and Professor of Systematic Theology at Jakarta Theological Seminary in Indonesia. She also is liaison for tsunami relief with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, serving both roles as a mission co-worker for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Held in God's Grace
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Held in God's Grace

An Advent Study Pack

In this fast-paced world it seems odd to say that we celebrate Advent by waiting, but this waiting is far more than a passive submission to time. Advent is a time of active preparation for a whole new way of life ushered in by Jesus' birth. This fou...

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There's a great old saying that asks, "What does he know of England who only England knows?" The same concept holds true for Christians. Knowledge of other cultures and other faiths inform our own knowledge about the Christian faith to which we are ...

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