
Titles by: Donald L. Griggs

Author: Donald L. Griggs

Donald L. Griggs is a respected Christian educator, author, and former teacher at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, where he is currently a member of the Board of Trustees. Griggs also served for many years as a consultant to The Kerygma Group.

Acts from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
9/18/2014 Add to Shopping Cart

Acts from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for Beginners, Donald Griggs and Paul Walaskay offer a new study on the book of Acts.In seven chapters, Griggs and Walask...

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The Bible from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
2/1/2002 Add to Shopping Cart

The Bible from Scratch

The Old Testament for Beginners

Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible for adults who have--or fear they have--little or no Bible knowledge. In two volumes, one each for the Old and New Testaments, Griggs guides us throu...

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The Bible from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
3/31/2003 Add to Shopping Cart

The Bible from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible for adults who have--or fear they have--little or no Bible knowledge. In two volumes, one each for the Old and New Testaments, Griggs guides us throu...

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The Bible from Scratch, Two Volume Set
Assembled Set Price: $30.00
Sale Price: $19.50
3/31/2003 Add to Shopping Cart

The Bible from Scratch, Two Volume Set

Old Testament for Beginners and New Testament for Beginners

Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible for adults who have--or fear they have--little or no Bible knowledge. In two volumes, one each for the Old and New Testaments, Griggs guides us throu...

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Genesis from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
4/29/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

Genesis from Scratch

The Old Testament for Beginners

Replete with some of the most familiar and beloved stories from the Bible (Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abraham and Isaac), Genesis also tells the story of God's creation of the universe. It is about beginnings-and thus ...

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Gospel Portraits of Jesus
ID1 $26.00 1/7/2009 Add to Shopping Cart

Gospel Portraits of Jesus

A Lenten Study Pack

What can we learn about Jesus from the multitude of names he is given in the New Testament? Plenty! Welcome to a six-week course that will explore a number of the names and titles for Jesus that appear in the four Gospels, with some attention to rel...

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How to Study a Bible Passage
Download $7.50 10/2/2007 Add to Shopping Cart

How to Study a Bible Passage

There are many ways to approach studying a Bible passage. This one-session study for adults introduces several basic steps that participants can take and basic resources they can use to study a Bible passage. By the end of this session you should be...

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Luke's Gospel from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
7/14/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

Luke's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testamentfor Beginners, Griggs offers a series ofvolumes based on the individual books of the Bible. A leader's guide and a partic...

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Mark's Gospel from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
1/18/2010 Add to Shopping Cart

Mark's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

This useful and accessible guide provides an introduction the Gospel of Mark. It is perfect for readers who are new to the Gospel as well as those who are looking for a new perspective on its message. This guide is perfect for individual or group st...

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Matthew's Gospel from Scratch
Paperback Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $11.70
3/2/2011 Add to Shopping Cart

Matthew's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

From Matthew's matter-of-fact genealogy demonstrating Jesus' status as a descendant of King David, through the soaring words of the Sermon on the Mount, to the lessons found in the Seven Parables of the Kingdom, Matthew's Gospel is rich and wonderfu...

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Praying the Psalms
Download $7.50 9/4/2007 Add to Shopping Cart

Praying the Psalms

Psalms may be the most contemporary book in the whole Bible. Why? The writers of psalms were people like us, with thoughts, feelings, hopes, doubts, and affirmations. They, like us, found themselves in situations that caused despair, grief, disbelie...

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Ten Tasks for Teaching
Download $12.00 5/31/2009 Add to Shopping Cart

Ten Tasks for Teaching

This two-session study will outline ten important tasks teachers should perform as they create their lesson plans. The first session deals with the theoretical aspects of planning for teaching and lays the groundwork for the more practical informati...

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