Author: Joan S. Gray
Joan S. Gray is a teaching elder living in Atlanta, Georgia. The moderator of the 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), she is the author or coauthor of several books including Spiritual Leadership for Church Officers and Presbyterian Polity for Church Leaders, Fourth Edition, with Joyce C. Tucker.
By Joan S. Gray
It is important that the work of developing and supporting spiritual leaders in a church is a shared responsibility; pastors, sessions (boards of deacons if applicable), and members of the congregation all have their parts to play. Spiritual leaders...
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Price: $28.00
Sale Price: $18.20
By Joan S. Gray, Joyce C. Tucker
Newly updated for the revised Directory for Worship.This detailed, comprehensive interpretation of the Presbyterian Book of Order is the most complete resource of its kind. Joan S. Gray updated this best-selling book to include the revised Directory...
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Price: $20.00
Sale Price: $13.00
Helping Your Church Rethink Its Mission and Practice
By Joan S. Gray
Is your church a rowboat church or a sailboat church? Rowboat churches depend largely on human effort. When church budgets shrink and membership declines, rowboat churches frantically row harder against a current, often frustrated and disappointed a...
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Price: $22.00
Sale Price: $14.30
A Handbook
By Joan S. Gray
This timely new leadership guide for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is written for church officers who are looking for a deepened relationship with God. Joan Gray challenges elders and deacons to see themselves as spiritual leaders and equips them...
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