Martha Bettis-Gee is Associate for Child Advocacy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Various authors and scholars have written Thoughtful Christian studies on the Middle East, including the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This study is written by a Jewish man who has lived in Israel. We encourage participants to respectfully consi...
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Three religious traditions look to Abraham as the "father of faith" in one sense or another: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In the New Testament, both James and Paul consider Abraham an important model to Christianity. Since Abraham is such an im...
The debate over how to regard same-gender sexual relationships is raging in the church, with shock waves rippling through society. Christians on all sides of the controversy often invoke Scripture. This situation raises questions: How can people of ...
Many of us know of the harmful ways in which the Bible was (and is) used to perpetuate systems of racial injustice and racism like slavery and white supremacy, yet we also know that the Bible says that "there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor fr...
Far from being the source of comedy as it is often portrayed in film or books, bullying is a serious public health problem with the potential to shape the life of a child for good or for ill. No young person should have to endure being bullied. Nor ...
If patriotism requires absolute loyalty to one particular country, it can conflict with a religious vision that includes compassion for all humanity. Christians, therefore, must ask how the noble and valuable aspects of patriotism can be strengthene...
Just who was David, king of Israel? Was he good or bad? He is called both a person after God's own heart and a "man of blood."This one-session study examines three important aspects of this key biblical figure. We will look at David as folk hero, fa...
In this study we examine the Declaration of Independence in an effort to discern its context and clarify its original intent. We'll consider its references and appeals to a higher power and what those references mean to us as people of faith.To many...
"Figures in the New Testament Study Pack" consists of six one-session studies by author Ellsworth Kalas. Leader's Guides are prepared for each session by author Martha Bettis-Gee.The characters include: Peter; Mary and Martha; James, Brother of Jesu...
We often hear the names Abraham, David, Moses, and Ruth in sermons and Bible studies. But just what was the importance of these figures whose lives span various books of our Old Testament? "Figures in the Old Testament Study Pack" consists of six on...
We tend to associate grief primarily with major life traumas such as a death in the family, a divorce, or an illness. But grief may also emerge in response to changes that we might view as largely positive. Moving away from a place you have lived fo...
Often in the news due to violence and political upheaval, the region of Israel/Palestine has been a contentious region for decades. While the so-called "two-state solution" has been proposed for years as perhaps the best route toward lasting peace, ...
The figure of James, the "brother" of Jesus, has been somewhat controversial in the history of the church. Both Catholics and early Protestants taught for centuries that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, remained a virgin throughout her life. So, what do w...
Who hasn't heard of Lazarus? The story of Jesus raising him from the dead is one biblical story most never forget.Yet, besides being the brother of Mary and Martha and a seemingly important figure in the Bible, Lazarus never has a speaking part. Unl...
This two-study, seven-session premium study pack touches on some of the most challenging issues Christians face in contemporary society.There are many things that influence the decisions we make every day. We all have certain rules by which we must ...