Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living is a twenty-seven-unit curriculum based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now.
 Congregational Guide The Congregational Guide provides materials for the pastor, educator, and church leaders to connect the practice with congregational worship and life. Faith communities with a limited educational program may use this resource to plan a congregational focus on each practice.
The Congregational Guide Includes: Foundational Essay Each practice is based on a foundational essay written by a biblical scholar. The essays explore what the practice means and identify aspects or dimensions of the practice with biblical examples. They also tell how it has been practiced in the life of Christians then and now. These essays guide curriculum writers and are placed in every piece of the curriculum for optional reading by leaders. Preachers may use them to develop a sermon series.
Worship Helps Find hymn and song suggestions with a brief explanation of their context, ideas for ways to incorporate the practice into the worship setting, and prayers and litanies for parts of worship. Pastors, musicians, worship leaders, worship committees, and faith formation leaders will find these to be extremely useful.
Café Discussion Guide Café Discussion Guides provide a self-guided, brief (two-sided, single page) study for each aspect of the practice. These no-prep, easy-to-lead sessions are perfect for college and young adult groups, church council meetings, retreats, women’s or men’s groups, and informal social gatherings. Any participant may lead them with little preparation.
Intergenerational Session Each practice offers one intergenerational session, or event, to explore and practice the practice as a whole church. This session varies according to unit. It may be suggested to use it to kick off or wrap up the unit, or it may be your choice when to use it. It may be around a meal, a special season of the church year, a service opportunity, or in a Sunday school setting.
Curriculum Connections Take note of what is going on in each age level with these highlights from the curriculum.
Practicing the Practice at Home A reproducible page to copy (or email from the downloadable curriculum) for families with suggestions to practice the practice at home. Ideas for families with younger children, older children, and mixed ages are included. This page is also provided in the Young Children and Multiage Children Leader’s Guides.
Children’s Worship Leaflets A fun activity page to welcome children in worship is provided for each week of the unit with practice ideas, a game, an adapted Bible story, and a coloring picture. These special children’s leaflets connect their worship experience to the practice. |