World-renowned biblical interpreter Walter Brueggemann invites readers to take a closer look at the...
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Traditional understandings of God as deliverer depict God as a mighty liberator-warrior and wrathfu...
Focusing on a dozen psalms, J. Clint McCann Jr. leads readers through some of the church's favorite...
In this engaging book aimed at pastors, teachers, and laypeople in Christian churches, W. Eugene Ma...
In this second volume of an exciting new series for laity, Sarah Henrich traces the understanding o...
This first volume in an exciting new series for laity provides an accessible study of some of the B...
Christians often assume too sharp a distinction between the Old and New Testaments, argues preacher...
With his typical interpretive coherence, Walter Brueggemann explores more than one hundred Old Test...
Well-known educator Don Griggs has written an accessible, easy-to-understand overview of the Bible...
The book of Proverbs deals with the human search for meaning. Through reason, experience, common se...
Having found a strong correlation between themes in the psalms and the personal and spiritual issue...
Four respected scholars of the Hebrew Bible and early Judaism provide a clear portrait of the famil...
This comprehensive introduction to all the books of the Bible, including the Apocrypha, is written ...