This unique commentary, the first of three in a new series, helps the preacher identify and reflect...
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LaRue is one of the best-loved preachers and writers about preaching. In past volumes, he's brought...
This commentary for preaching Matthew, a companion to WJK's successful Preaching the Gospel of Luk...
Where have all the prophets gone? And why do preachers seem to shy away from prophetic witness? Ast...
There are many books on the market that address how culture, race, gender, or economic status affec...
Preaching the Incarnation, a follow-up to the authors' Preaching the Atonement, offers a theologica...
In this lively and accessible book, Alyce McKenzie explores how fiction writers approach the task o...
Using the findings of historical Jesus studies, William Brosend asks, what is the rhetoric that cha...
Preaching the Atonement is a unique teaching tool that offers a theological discussion of ten impor...
In this companion and sequel to the best-selling Power in the Pulpit (2002), which has sold over 11...
In this compelling and hard-hitting book, respected preacher and teacher Thomas Long identifies an...
With clarity and wit, preacher and writer Sondra Willobee explores the joyful process of crafting e...
In this engaging treatment of the Gospel of Mark, Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm combines biblical scholarship...
Preaching's most able practitioners gather in this book to explore and explain the idea that preach...
William Willimon, one of the world's most admired preachers, offers his practical and sage advice f...