
Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living is a twenty-seven-unit curriculum based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now.

The leader’s guide provides background information on each practice, a lesson plan for each session, resource pages for each session that may be reproduced, or used electronically with the participants in your congregation. The guide includes further background information for the leader on the practice through the Foundational Essay. For more information on the foundational essay check out the Congregational Guide.

The flow of the session:
  • Getting Started provides an opening ritual for each session.
  • Introducing the Practice invites participants to encounter an aspect of the practice.
  • Finding the Practice in the Bible explores how the practice was lived by Jesus (Gospels), his faith tradition (Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures), and his followers (New Testament).
  • Finding the Practice All Around Us names how the practice has been lived out by Christians through the centuries.
  • Practicing the Practice provides activities to try out the practice.
  • Following Jesus sends participants out to follow Jesus.
Explanation of Activity Symbols for Young Children:
Symbols indicate the type of activity at a glance. Leaders can customize sessions by using what works best for their participants. Included in the Young Children’s Guide are symbols for the following:
Art: invites creativity in hands-on arts and crafts.
active/movement Active/Movement: allows time for children to move their bodies.
conversation Conversation: allows time to talk and share thoughts, feelings, and questions.
drama Drama: uses skits and role play to engage with the story/practice.
food Food: engages children in cooperating, measuring, and making foods to eat and share. Be mindful of food allergies.
game Games: allows for cooperative play.
music Music: engages children with music and rhythm.
nature/science Nature/Science: utilizes experimentation and the world around us.
quiet/contemplative Quiet/Contemplative: provides spaces and time for thought and reflection.
service Service: provides opportunities for children to offer help to others.
technology Technology: uses an internet-connected device.
extra prep Extra Prep: requires additional time or materials.
Additional resources for young children found in the Congregational Guide.
  • Intergenerational Session
  • Curriculum Connections
  • Practicing the Practice at Home
  • Children's Worship Leaflets
  Young Children's Leader's Guides
  Small-Scale Packages
  Large-Scale Packages