
Content List
Horizon's Magazine November / December 2024
Horizon's Magazine September / October 2024
Horizon's Magazine Summer 2024
Horizon's Magazine March-April 2024
Hebrews for Everyone-Enlarged Print
Horizon's Magazine January-February 2024
Hard and Holy Work
Horizon's Magazine November - December 2023
Hope Is Here!
Hebrews for Everyone
Horizon's Magazine September-October 2023
Horizon's Magazine Summer 2023
Humor Us!
Hope Restored
Historias de Jesús: Cartel infográfico de conceptos bíblicos básicos: Descargable
Historias del Antiguo Testamento: Cartel infográfico de conceptos bíblicos básicos: Descargable
Horizon's Magazine March - April 2023
Horizon's Magazine November - December 2022
Honor Sabbath: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Adult Reflection Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Congregational Guide: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Congregational Guide: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Large-Scale Package: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Large-Scale Package: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Small-Scale Package: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Small-Scale Package: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Year 2 Infographic Poster: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Young Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Young Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor Sabbath: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor Sabbath: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Horizon's Magazine September-October 2022
Holy Disruption
Hopes and Dreams - Leader's Guide: Downloadable
Hopes and Dreams - Leader's Guide: Printed
Horizon's Magazine Summer 2022
Horizon's Magazine January-February 2022
Horizon's Magazine March - April 2022
Honor God's Diversity: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Adult Reflection Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Congregational Guide: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Congregational Guide: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Large-Scale Package: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Large-Scale Package: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Small-Scale Package: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Small-Scale Package: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Year 1 Infographic Poster: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Young Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Young Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Honor God's Diversity: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Honor God's Diversity: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Horizon's Magazine November - December 2021
Hope: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Hope: Adult Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Hope: Adult Reflection Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Hope: Congregational Guide: Downloadable
Hope: Congregational Guide: Printed
Hope: Large-Scale Package: Downloadable
Hope: Large-Scale Package: Printed
Hope: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Hope: Multiage Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Hope: Small-Scale Package: Downloadable
Hope: Small-Scale Package: Printed
Hope: Year 1 Infographic Poster: Downloadable
Hope: Young Children Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Hope: Young Children Leaders Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Hope: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Downloadable
Hope: Youth Leader's Guide 4 Sessions: Printed
Horizon's Magazine September - October 2021
Holy Spirit: Bible Basic Infographic Poster: Downloadable
Horizon's Magazine Summer 2021
Hiding Baby Moses
Horizon's Magazine March - April 2021
Horizon's Magazine January -February 2021
Holy Living
Horizons Magazine November - December 2020
Horizons Magazine September - October 2020
Healings and Miracles: Leader's Guide, 4 sessions: Printed
Healings and Miracles: Leader's Guide, 4 sessions: Downloadable
Horizons Magazine July - August 2020
Home Worship Bundle
Horizons Magazine May - June 2020
Horizons Magazine March - April 2020
Horizons Magazine January-February 2020
Horizons Magazine November - December 2019
Holy Disunity
Horizons Magazine September - October 2019
Horizons Magazine July - August 2019
Horizons Magazine May - June 2019
How Luther Became the Reformer
Horizons Magazine March - April 2019
Horizons Magazine January - February 2019
Horizons November / December 2018
Honest Patriotism
Horizons Magazine September / October 2018
Honest to God, 55th Anniversary Edition
Home by Another Way
Horizons Magazine July / August 2018
Horizons Magazine May / June 2018
Horizons Magazine March / April 2018
Horizons Magazine January/February 2018
Holy Solitude
Heaven on Earth
Horizons Magazine January/February 2017
Horizons magazine July/August 2017
Horizons Magazine March/April 2017
Horizons Magazine May/June 2017
Horizons magazine November/December 2017
Horizons magazine September/October 2017
Hope for the Future
How Jesus Saves the World from Us
How and Who Jesus Served
Horizons Magazine January/February 2016
Horizons Magazine July/August 2016
Horizons Magazine March/April 2016
Horizons Magazine May/June 2016
Horizons Magazine November/December 2016
Horizons Magazine September/October 2016
Human Trafficking and Human Rights: Children of God Not for
How Odd of God
Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love
Helping Seniors Live Well
Horizons Magazine January/February 2015
Horizons Magazine July/August 2015
Horizons Magazine May/June 2015
Horizons Magazine November/December 2015
Horizons Magazine September/October 2015
Hidden Riches
Horizon Magazine September/October 2014
Horizons Magazine January/February 2014
Horizons Magazine July/August 2014
Horizons Magazine March/April 2014
Horizons Magazine May/June 2014
Horizons Magazine November/December 2014
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
Hosea, Amos, and Micah
Heaven and Hell
Horizons Magazine January/February 2013
Horizons Magazine July/August 2013
Horizons Magazine March/April 2013
Horizons Magazine May/June 2013
Horizons Magazine November/December 2013
Horizons Magazine September/October 2013
Hebrews (2006)
How General Assembly Works
Holy Spirit
Horizons Magazine January/February 2012
Horizons Magazine July/Aug 2012
Horizons Magazine March/April 2012
Horizons Magazine May/June 2012
Horizons Magazine November/December 2012
Horizons Magazine September/October 2012
Handbook of Biblical Criticism, Fourth Edition
How the Early Church Understood Grace
Helping Teens Find Their Identity
Honesty and Truth Telling
Human Sexuality: Knowing the Terms and Definitions in the Context of God's Love
Hymnal as Denominational Scrapbook
Horizons Magazine January/February 2011
Horizons Magazine July/August 2011
Horizons Magazine May/June 2011
Horizons Magazine November/December 2011
Horizons Magazine September/October 2011
Horizons Sample Issue
Helping Newcomers Feel Welcome
How Green Is Your Church?
How Spirituality Develops through Our Lifetime
Held in God's Grace
Holy Spirit and Salvation
Halos and Avatars
Horizons Magazine January/February 2010
Horizons Magazine July/August 2010
Horizons Magazine March/April 2010
Horizons Magazine May/June 2010
Horizons Magazine November/December 2010
Horizons Magazine September/October 2010
Help for the Exhausted Parent
Hymns for Today
Hospital Visitation
How to Talk about Stewardship
How We Think about Prayer
How Do You Know You Are Saved?
Helping Your Teen Choose Healthy Friendships
Helping Your Teen Connect to Their Church Community
Helping Your Teen Grieve
Hospital Visitation
Horizons Magazine January/February 2009
Horizons Magazine July/August 2009
Horizons Magazine March/April 2009
Horizons Magazine May/June 2009
Horizons Magazine November/December 2009
Horizons Magazine September/October 2009
Heretics for Armchair Theologians
Here I Am, Lord
How to Pray
Holy Superheroes! Revised and Expanded Edition
Horizons magazine January/February 2008
Horizons Magazine July/August 2008
Horizons Magazine March/April 2008
Horizons Magazine May/June 2008
Horizons Magazine Novtember/Decober 2008
Horizons Magazine September/October 2008
How to Study a Bible Passage
Hearing a Film, Seeing a Sermon
Helpmates, Harlots, and Heroes, Second Edition
How Did Jesus' Death Save Us?
Horizons Magazine January/February 2007
Horizons Magazine July/August 2007
Horizons Magazine March/April 2007
Horizons Magazine May/June 2007
Horizons Magazine November/December 2007
Horizons Magazine September/October 2007
Heart of the Cross
Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children
How the Rapture Involves Israel
Horizons Magazine January/February 2006
Horizons Magazine July/August 2006
Horizons Magazine March/April 2006
Horizons Magazine May/June 2006
Horizons Magazine November/December 2006
Horizons Magazine September/October 2006
Help! I'm a Pastor
Horizons Magazine Index 1988-2004
Horizons Magazine January/February 2005
Horizons Magazine July/August 2005
Horizons Magazine May/June 2005
Horizons Magazine November/December 2005
Horizons Magazine September/October 2005
Hope Notes
Healing Liturgies for the Seasons of Life
Horizons Magazine January/February 2004
Horizons Magazine March/April 2004
Horizons Magazine May/June 2004
Horizons Magazine September/October 2004
History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel, Revised and Expanded (2003)
Horizons Magazine Jan/Feb 2003
Horizons Magazine July/August 2003
Horizons Magazine March/April 2003
Horizons Magazine May/June 2003
Horizons Magazine November/December 2003
Horizons Magazine Septmember/October 2003
Hospitality to the Stranger
Hope in the Holler
How to Spell Presbyterian, Newly Revised Edition
Horizons Magazine January/February 2002
Horizons Magazine July/August 2002
Horizons Magazine November/December 2002
Horizons Magazine September/October 2002
How To Write Church History
Hope for the World
Hearing the Whole Story
How to Worship as a Presbyterian
Horizons Magazine July/Aug 2001
Horizons Magazine March/April 2001
Horizons Magazine May/June 2001
Horizons Magazine November/December 2001
Horizons Magazine Sept/Oct 2001
Heroism and the Christian Life
Horizons - July/August 2000 Volume 13 No. 4
Horizons - November/December 2000 Volume 13 No. 6
Horizons - September/October 2000 Volume 13 No. 5
Horizons March/April 2000 Volume 13 No. 2
Horizons May/June 2000 Volume 13 No. 3
Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew
Harvest of Righteousness
Holy Writings, Sacred Text
How the Bible Came to Be
Human Cloning
Hosea, Joel, and Amos
Heroes and Saints
Helping People Forgive
Hebrews and James
Handbook for the Revised Common Lectionary
Homosexuality and Christian Community
Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling
How Shall We Witness?
How Are the Children? (Limit of 10)
Homosexuality in the Church
Healing Touch
Heresy and Criticism
Her Image of Salvation
Helping Teenagers Grow Morally
Healing Body and Soul
How to Attract and Keep Active Church Members
Handbook of Themes for Preaching
How Faith Matures
Hope within History
Handbook for the Common Lectionary
Household of Freedom
How to Live with Parents and Teachers
Holy Baptism and Services for the Renewal of Baptism
Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 (1984)
Helping Youth Interpret the Bible
How God Deals With Evil
Human Liberation in a Feminist Perspective--A Theology
Hosea (1969)
Hosea (1969)